Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Copywriting Services and the Art of Persuasion

Copywriting is essentially the art of the sell. However, there are many more aspects to successful copywriting than just pitching a product. Anyone who has read sales copy can tell you that being sold to is pretty annoying. So, given the fact that most people leave a site that tries too hard to sell, how do copywriting services ensure that your potential customers stay and buy?

Copywriting Services- Content That Sells For You

In copywriting, as in life, those who can persuade usually win out over those who try to push the issue. Persuasion is a subtle art, but it can be successfully employed in writing copy. After all, your customers don?t mind the sales pitch as long as they don?t feel as if they are being sold to. Copywriting services familiar with SEO writing know how to engage your readers rather than hit them over the head.

Here are some tips for writing persuasive copy:

1. Identify your reader?s issues - If you don?t understand your readers? needs, you won?t be able to connect with them. Spot the problems they might be encountering and write about how the product can solve those problems. Think about any possible objections to your solutions and preemptively address them.

2. Speak their language - People don?t want to be spoken down to. In general, it?s best to use shorter words and concise language when addressing them. Big words and lofty ideas don?t impress so much as annoy those who don?t use them in everyday speech. As a side note- language and tone do make a big impact on how effective your copy is. A pleasant, conversational tone goes a long way in engaging your readers and making them want to stay at your site.

3. Ally yourself with your readers - Let potential customers know that you are just like them- trying to find solutions so you can get things done. You can do this by triggering their emotions. Using a skilled copywriting service comes in handy here, as professionals can paint pictures with words, allowing your readers to develop mental images of how your product can benefit them.

Copywriting Services Offer a Professional Advantage

Your sales copy is important to the success of your business. Using persuasion to sell online involves a little bit of human psychology combined with the principles of search engine optimization and the ability to write well. Many companies have neither the time nor the expertise to master the craft.

This is why, for most people, professional copywriting services are a good investment. Copywriters can give you the edge when speaking to your customers, and they usually cost significantly less than other types of marketing. Remember, persuasion is the name of the game, and it?s a game you can win if you have best people on your team.

Steve Lazuka writes about many topics related to copywriting services. Mr. Lazuka founded Interact Media, a copywriting service that uses the power of high quality content and article marketing to increase web traffic for its clients. To learn more about this and other SEO topics, visit Steve?s blog at http://www.interactmedia.com/blog.html

Source: http://www.dakotahosting.net/2011/10/copywriting-services-and-the-art-of-persuasion/

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